give and take
I take and take and click and take and take and have forgotten how to give a picture. Give it meaning and place and confidence and strength – give it to you, personally, and not to the entire universe at once. Face the picture book and label one another’s failures ’til the tragic smear of…
creator without capital
Having instilled in His creatures the same creative qualities whereby He Himself made them, God justly holds us, His image-bearers, accountable to mirror His greatness. Thus reflective, we inevitably discover surfaces (like watercolour paper) on which our own creative expression can in turn reflect our inner nature. In this process we discover, alongside the joys…
There was a moment, while Christ hung on the cross, that the temple curtain tore. It’s not that I’m representing that event, but more a web of imagery that comes to mind in connection with it. Animal sacrifice fulfilled in Christ is replaced by a new symbolism: the broken bread and wine that point back…
Pencil Eraser Shavings
The delicate collected remains of erased pencil marks, and the rubbery interior of crushed eraser, re-unified in a pile.
Lately I’ve been experimenting with painting on a whiteboard with dry-erase markers. Here’s a decaying tomato, begun as just such a painting, and then finished off with the embedded photographic textures of the reference.
The speaking-in-tongues that we find in Pentecost is a reconciliation of the divided linguistic reality under which humanity suffers: the sinful separation that we deserved. Through the Holy Spirit, though, we again understand each other, and by God’s grace are set apart to be people that together honour the Creator. Having forgiven his own, Christ…
In response to humanity’s proud attempt to build a tower to the heavens, the Lord confuses the speech of his fallen creation. Our own 20th & 21st century towers (or stairways, on Led Zeppelin’s account) represent no less of a monument to ourselves. Even the churches we build tend to serve the god of our…
bridge building
Although I would probably be quite happy to confine my artmaking to the Canadian Reformed reality in which I thrive, my simulaneous engagment with other communities (the secular, the artistic, the academic) presents not only a challenge, but also a glorious opportunity to connect people and ideas. So far, I haven’t found a metaphor better…