• flying solo

    In certain church subcultures, strength is derived from emphasis on marriages and family. That strength is made more emphatic and rigid when (the community’s) youth are assumed to be similarly on a trajectory towards (healthy) marriages. I celebrate that, but at the risk of propping up my own way of being, I want to point…


  • on CBC haters

    So I get this random email criticising CBC for airing Katy Brand’s Big Ass Show – in which she parodies Jesus, giving him a girlfriend who turns out to be the force behind all of these ‘miracles’. Which of course is offensive to those who claim these stories as 2000-year-old fact. Am I among those…


  • barmeno

        I discovered this typeface today on the side of an “Adamson Lawn Care” trailer at Kathleen’s. I Googled Adamson Lawncare, and plugged their logo into whatthefont. Bingo. I love how I can discover a typeface this way, and now suddenly I’m well on my way to employing it in my own design work.


  • Ambrogio Lorenzetti

    Corrie Kessler‘s mother has a print hanging in her house. It’s Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Allegories of Good and Bad Government. It’s a seriously deep, big picture story!


  • higher criticism

    Does higher criticism proceed solely on the basis of anti-supernatural and rationalistic presuppositions? Or does it also have a kind of humility among its antecedents?


  • pure and elevated

    I found this ambitious quote from A.W. Tozer: The heaviest obligation lying upon the Christian Church today is to purify and elevate her concept of God until it is once more worthy of Him—and of her. I read this as “when seeking knowledge of God, extend that effort to the maximum”. I fully agree with…


  • paradoxicreed

    God Although God is an entirely human construct, humanity is also a divine construct: and divinity came first. I owe the privilidge of God-making to a God that I didn’t make, and whose identity is largely beyond me. Jesus Christ As one who claims both full divinity and full humanity, Jesus represents an anchor point…


  • divine worm?

    If Jesus ever sang or read Psalm 22:6, did he mean it? If he really was a worm and not a man, what might that imply for models of community vis.a.vis the “body of Christ”?


  • reflections at grundy lake

    This is quite the place. Sandwiched between two lakes – each offering a unique incarnation of spirit in wind, water, earth and (camp)fire, and in people too, and in their prayers – the present pattering of rain is a welcome aid to my internal meanderings of soul. I’m trying to take in the iridescence of it all:…
