• tentative

    Tense sensitive quietly siezed by the day, waits, receives, depends, endures (inner) drought, takes taken-for-grantedness for granted beams intentional passivity into the bang of racous argument, a provisional half moon smiling, slow-roasted skeptic meekly caressing time.


  • limits

    Instead of looking at your limits as something bad, see them as blessings: gifts that ignite. Its not about breaking down borders, but pushing off of them.


  • restless

    Be still my soul the universe is on your side, and will defeat all your enemies and fight all your battles. And when you find that you are your own worst enemy the universe will defeat you too and make dust of your plans. So just give in to the will of the universe trusting…


  • a pity party

    Theistic evolution, when followed to its end, may lead Christians to question the authority of scripture as traditionally understood, and force unwanted concessions. At the very least it invites a new understanding of Paul, when he says: “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be…


  • Space, Shape, Soul

    Coordinates: 27.818124,-15.767749 This beach lies just to the west of the harbour in Mogán in Grand Canaria. The image, its composition, and the relationships within it, offer me an opportunity to reflect on a more human arrangement of space and form. I am a fragment of seaworthiness, robbed of my watery context, denied the opportunity…


  • breaking up

    What I represent to her now is failed relationship, ample weight for sinking, and pacified potential, dragged down. I have no resources from our past to draw from I have to contribute some new understanding now something we never talked about something altogether different, something dissociated from the pain I caused. This moment is like…


  • true or false?

    True or False: To truly understand it, You have to try it. True or False: To truly understand it, You have to do it. True or False: To truly understand it, You have to live it. True or False: To truly understand it, You have to love it. True or False: To truly understand it,…


  • plain and simple

    No matter how hard I wish for plain simplicity, the world I live in will remain irreducibly complex. In spite of the apparent effectiveness of my favourite reductionisms, the universe refuses to become simple for me. I will, however, become “simple” (for it?) when in due time I return to the (star)dust from whence I came.…


  • For You

    As a child, I listened to a lot of Christian music. I did not make a habit as a 5 year old, of knowing who my favourite artists were. Music came in the form of  “bandjes” (Dutch for “cassette”), or a little golden book records which encouraged us to turn the page “when you hear…
