• McLuhanisms

    When you enter the church through the backdoor you don’t have to first swallow all the teachings like the kids do at the front. Marshall McLuhan  


  • Cradle to Cradle Design

    How do we love all the children of all the species for all time? stewardship and dominion are implicit in each other we fall back on the “defacto endgame” is justice blind or is justice blindness? the stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones. Irian jaya has 259 species of trees William…


  • posit

    Adam and Eve are like the square root of -1: posit that they exist, and a lot of math (and theology) falls elegantly into place. Problems, however, persist.


  • Colours do not fade

    Colours do not fade but rather are obstructed by blocked inkjet nozzles, killed by camera sensor dust, muted by tone curves, amped by ambition. Veils of history aside I do intend to trust 580 as the count of nanometres where Orange will run out to meet Lemon regardless of the present century. And these same…


  • I mend, I lift

    “I mend broken machinery and articles of iron; I lift heavy objects.” Iorek Byrnison, armoured bear


  • Move: AN UPWARDS JOURNEY (Overview)

    I’ve been working with Tom Smith at SML Solutions to produce my digital tapestries in a new display format. The artwork begins as a satin inkjet print, and is then sandwiched between sheets of aluminum and acryllic. "U-channels" fixed to the backside enable both a convenient hanging workflow, as well as an elegant floating appearance…


  • Don’t be afraid

    Don’t be afraid its only me The door wasnt locked If only we could trust each other through this Then together we could work out who the enemy is — Kings of Convenience


  • Western Seeker

    If you have to wait until your “Western Seeker” mode becomes outmoded, and uncool, before you exchange it for a heart commitment to love the people in your world, you will have waited too long. Fortunately it is already outmoded and uncool.


  • I have no right…

    … to rebel against a tradition or to improve upon it until I have mastered it.
